Potomac Environmental Research and Education Center


Amy Fowler
Potomac Environmental Research and Education Center
Potomac Environmental Research and Education Center Aquatic Chemistry Lab
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Potomac Environmental Research and Education Center
Potomac Environmental Research and Education Center Aquatic Chemistry Lab
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PEREC is staffed by dedicated faculty, researchers, graduate students, field interpreters and volunteers. To keep up with our research, educational activities, and outreach, be sure to follow us on Facebook!

Our award-winning K-12 Watershed Education Programs are enthusiastically staffed by field interpreters – including undergraduates and graduate students from George Mason University, as well as local environmental experts.

R Chris Jones

R. Christian “Chris” Jones, PhD

Director, PEREC

Professor, Department of Environmental Science and Policy

Specialization: Freshwater Ecology, Water Quality, Plankton Ecology, Stream Bioassessment

Amy Fowler Perec

Amy Fowler, PhD

Associate Director of PEREC  

Associate Professor, Department of Environmental Science and Policy

Specialization: Invertebrate Ecology, Aquatic Ecology, Parasitology and Invasions

Rosalina Christova, PhD

Resident Faculty Fellow, PEREC

Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental Science and Policy

Specialization: Algal Taxonomy and Ecology, Aquatic Ecology, Harmful Algal Blooms

Gregory D. Foster, PhD

Senior Resident Fellow, PEREC

Professor, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

Specialization: Aquatic Chemistry and Geochemistry, Environmental Analytical Chemistry

Thomas B. Huff, PhD

Non-Resident Faculty Fellow, PEREC

Administrative Assistant Professor

Director, The Shared Research Instrumentation Facility

Specialization: Organic Pollutants in the Rivers, Mass Spectrometry, Chemical Ecology

Randolph “Randy” A. McBride, PhD

Resident Faculty Fellow, PEREC

Associate Professor of Geology, Department of Atmospheric, Oceanic and Earth Sciences

Specialization: Coastal Geomorphology

T. Reid Nelson, PhD

Resident Faculty Fellow, PEREC

Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental Science and Policy

Specialization: Fisheries Ecology, Applied Aspects of Fisheries, Aquatic Resource Management

Jennifer Salerno, PhD

Resident Faculty Fellow, PEREC

Associate Professor, Department of Environmental Science and Policy

Specialization: Environmental Microbiology, Marine Ecology, Microbial Symbioses, Marine Policy

Dann Sklarew, PhD

Non-Resident Faculty Fellow, PEREC

Professor, Department of Environmental Science and Policy

Specialization: Watershed Stewardship, Sustainability Science and Education, Symbiosis (Mutualism)

Cynthia “Cindy” Smith, PhD

Resident Faculty Fellow, PEREC

Associate Professor, Department of Environmental Science and Policy

K12 Education & Outreach Director, PEREC

Specialization: Science Education and Outreach, Watershed Ecology and Stewardship

Benoit Van Aken, PhD

Resident Faculty Fellow, PEREC

Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

Specialization: Plant Molecular Biology, Molecular Markers for Pathogen Detection Ecology

Laura M Birsa, MS

MS in Marine Sciences

Lab and Field Technician, Department of Environmental Science and Policy, PEREC

Sydney Jackson

Outreach Assistant, Department of Environmental Science and Policy, PEREC