Silky Dogwood (Cornus amomum)

Silky Dogwood – Overall

Photo courtesy to Monica Marcelli.

Silky Dogwood – leaf

Photo courtesy to Monica Marcelli.

Silky dogwood – flower

Photo courtesy to Monica Marcelli.

Silky dogwood – fruit

Photo courtesy to Monica Marcelli.

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Genus: Cornus 

SpeciesCornus amomum Mill. 

Common names:  (Nowick, 2014; Cornus amomum, n.d.) 

  • dogwood
  • silky cornel
  • silky dogwood
  • red willow
  • kinnikinnick
  • squawbush

Type: deciduous shrub (Cornus amomum, n.d.)  

Size: 4m tall (Cornus amomum, n.d.) 

Leaves:  opposite, 10cm long by 7cm broad, oval to elliptic with acute apex, pubescent with 4 to 5 veins per leaf side (Cornus amomum, n.d.)   

Flowers: cymes of 4 yellowish-white tiny petals that blooms May to June (Cornus amomum, n.d.) 

Fruit: blue drupe that is edible and feeds birds, mammals and insects. It develops in August (Cornus amomum, n.d.)  

Growth and Attributes

Reproduction: pollination by insects

Pollinators: carpenter bees and summer azure   

Habitat: forested seasonal wetlands, floodplains, streams, pond banks, clearings, creeks and water systems (TWC Staff, 2023, Cornus amomum, 2023).   

Distribution: Eastern United States at elevations up to 427 m high. See: USDA distribution map

Cultivation:  full sun to partial shade, but it tolerates full shade. Requires moist to wet, well drained organically rich soil. It can grow in loam and sand (TWC Staff., 2023; Cornus amomum, n.d.).   

Conservation status: least concern

Ecosystem uses: shelter for wildlife such as birds (Cornus amomum; Cornus amomum, n.d.). 

Human uses: ornamental, hedges, rain gardens, erosion control, windbreaks. The bark was used by Native Americans as tobacco (Cornus amomum; Cornus amomum, n.d.). 

Aggressive growth: If it is left unattended, it will grow to create thickets and thick vegetative areas (Cornus amomum; Cornus amomum, n.d.). 

Pests: scale, borers*, and leaf miners.  Pests are not a concerned due to biological control since it attracts insect predators and parasites (TWC Staff., 2023; Cornus amomum, n.d.). Diseases include leaf spot*, crown canker*, blights*, root rot* and powdery mildew* (Cornus amomum, n.d.) 

*these pictures are for dogwoods in general

Unique characteristics: Tolerates erosion, wet soil, and black walnut. It has purplish brown silky hairs on the twigs and leaves (Cornus amomum, n.d.) 

Resistant to deer? Yes

Wetland plant status: there are 2 wetland regions in VA:  

  • Mountains and Piedmonts and Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain. 
  • Dogwood is facultative (FAC) wetland for both regions  

Recommended Reading

Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) listing  

Digital Atlas of the Virginia Flora: species, distribution map 

USDA Fact Sheets 


Cornus amomum Mill. in GBIF Secretariat (2022). GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. Checklist dataset accessed via on 2023-06-20. 

Cornus amomum. (n.d.). US Army Corps of Engineers. 

Cornus amomum P. Mill. Digital Atlas of the Virginia Flora. 

“Cornus amomum – Plant Finder”. Retrieved 2018-12-07. 

“Cornus amomum.”  Wikipedia, 2 June 2023. 

TWC Staff. (2023-03-22). Cornus amomum.  Lady Bird Johnson Wildlife Center 

“Cornus amomum”. Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN). Agricultural Research Service (ARS), Retrieved 29 December 2017. 

Cornus amomum. n.d. Missouri Botanical Garden.

Nowick, Elaine (2014). 

Coauthored by Monica Marcelli & Adrian Hagarty, 2023.