PEREC faculty and students have researched a large number of watersheds within the northern Virginia area including many in Fairfax County, Prince William County, and Clarke County. A list of publications and project reports are found below.
Watershed Publications by PEREC Faculty and Faculty Fellows
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
“Diel and Seasonal Patterns in Continuously Monitored Water Quality at Fixed Sites in Two Adjacent Embayments of the Tidal Freshwater Potomac River”. A.P. Graziano and R.C. Jones. Water 2017, 9, 624; doi:10.3390/w9080624
Jones, R.C., Graziano, A.P. 2013. Diel and seasonal patterns in water quality continuously monitored at a fixed site on the tidal freshwater Potomac River. Inland Waters, v. 3, n. 4, pp. 421-436.
Orzetti, L.L., R.C. Jones, and R.F. Murphy. 2010. Stream condition in Piedmont streams with restored riparian buffers in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 46: 473-485.
Shala, L. and G.D. Foster (2010) Surface Water Concentrations and Loading Budgets of Pharmaceuticals and Other Domestic-Use Chemicals in an Urban Watershed (Washington, DC, USA).Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 58, 551-561.
Foster, G.D., E.C. Roberts, B. Gruessner, and D.J. Velinsky. 2000. Hydrogeochemistry and transport of organic contaminants in an urban watershed of Chesapeake Bay (USA). Applied Geochemistry 15:901-915. doi: 10.1016/S0883-2927(99)00107-9.
Jones, R.C., and C. Clark. 1987. Impact of watershed urbanization on stream insect communities.Water Resources Bulletin 23:1047-1055.
Marissa Washington. 2013. Relationships among Escherichia coli (E. coli), Total Suspended Solids and Flow for Three Northern Virginia Subwatersheds: Rabbit Branch, Upper Accotink Creek, and Daniels Run. Master’s Research Project Report.
Ryan Albert. 2007. The influence of past and future urbanization on watershed nitrogen export and hydrology dynamics in two mid-Atlantic watersheds in Fairfax, Virginia. PhD Dissertation.
Jones, R. C. 2003. Aquatic Survey of NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. Main and East Campuses. 2002. Final Report. 79 pp.
Jones, R. C., L. Astin, and K. Rowland. 2002. Bioassessment of Page Brook, Final Report. 36 pp.
Jones, R. C., L. Astin, and K. Rowland. 2002. Bioassessment of Roseville Run Watershed. Clarke Co., VA. Final Report. 25 pp.
Jones, R. C., and R. Hansen. 2002. Bioassessment of Spout Run, Clarke County, VA. Final Report. 31 pp.
Jones, R. C., and D.P. Kelso. 2002. An Ecological Study of Tidal Powells Creek and the Adjacent Potomac River. Prince William County, Virginia. 2001. Final Report. 43 pp.
Kelso, D.P., R.C. Jones, K.D. Brittingham, A.M. Maher, D.R. Morgan, E. Tuszynska. 2001. Quantico Marine Corp. Base Stream Monitoring 1998-1999, Final Report.
Jones, R. C., and J. Arciszewski. 2000. Bioassessments of the Bull Run Watershed. 1998-99. Final Report. 34 pp.
Jones, R.C., D.P Kelso. 1999. Fort Belvoir Aquatic Studies 1997, Final Report.
Jones, R. C., and D.P. Kelso. 1998. Bioassessment of Occoquan Filter Wash. 1995-97. Final Report. 51 pp.
Jones, R. C., and D.P. Kelso. 1998. Fort Belvoir Aquatic Studies: 1995-96. Final Report. 41 pp.
Jones, R.C. and D.P. Kelso. 1997. Bioassessment of Prince William County Watersheds, Final Report.
Sklarew, D. 1997. Improving community access to watershed management tools. a report to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Wetlands, Oceans, and Watersheds, Washington, DC.
Jones, R.C. and D.P. Kelso. 1994. Bioassessment of Nonpoint Source Impacts in Three Northern Virginia Watersheds, Final Report.