Potomac Environmental Research and Education Center

Gunston Cove Publications

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

Jones, R.C. Recovery of a Tidal Freshwater Embayment from Eutrophication: a Multidecadal Study. Estuaries and Coasts (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12237-020-00730-3.

Schlick, C.J.C. and De Mutsert, K. 2019. Growth of adult river herring that spawn in tributaries of the Potomac River in northern Virginia. Fishery Bulletin, 117(1-2). doi:110.7755/FB.117.1-2.7. PDF

Graziano, A.P.; Jones, R.C. 2017. Diel and Seasonal Patterns in Continuously Monitored Water Quality at Fixed Sites in Two Adjacent Embayments of the Tidal Freshwater Potomac River. Water, 9, 624. PDF

De Mutsert, K., Sills, A., Schlick, C.J.C., and R.C. Jones. 2017. Successes of restoration and its effects on the fish community in a freshwater tidal embayment of the Potomac River, USA. Water 9(6), 421; doi:10.3390/w9060421

Kraus, R.T. and R.C. Jones. 2011. Fish abundances in shoreline habitats and submerged aquatic vegetation in a tidal freshwater embayment of the Potomac River. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. Online First. June 2011.

Jones, R.C. 2008. Long term response of water quality to changes in nutrient loading at a mainstem site in the tidal freshwater Potomac River. Verhandlungen Internationale Vereinigung Limnologie 30:633-637.

Jones, R.C., D.P. Kelso, and E. Schaeffer. 2008. Spatial and seasonal patterns in water quality in an embayment-mainstem reach of the tidal freshwater Potomac River, USA: a multiyear study. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 147:351-375. doi: 10.1007/s10661-007-0126-0.

Coles, J.F., and R.C. Jones. 2000. Effect of temperature on photosynthesis-light response and growth of four phytoplankton species isolated from a tidal freshwater river. Journal of Phycology 36:7-16. doi: 10.1046/j.1529-8817.2000.98219.x.

Jones, R.C. 2000. Long-term trends in summer phytoplankton chlorophyll a in the tidal freshwater Potomac River, USA: relationship to climatic and management factors. Verhandlungen Internationale Vereinigung Limnologie 27:2959-2962.

Jones, R.C. 1997. Seasonal and spatial patterns in phytoplankton photosynthetic parameters in a tidal freshwater river. Hydrobiologia 364:199-208. doi: 10.1023/A:1003107306421.

Thorp, A., R.C. Jones, and D.P. Kelso. 1997. A comparison of water-column macroinvertebrate communities in beds of differing submersed aquatic vegetation in the tidal freshwater Potomac River.Estuaries and Coasts 20:86-95. doi: 10.2307/1352722.

Hopple, J.A., and G.D. Foster. 1996. Hydrophobic organochlorine compounds sequestered in submersed aquatic macrophytes (Hydrilla verticillata (L.F.) Royle) from the tidal Potomac River (USA)Environmental Pollution 94:39-46. doi: 10.1016/S0269-7491(96)00097-8.

Connor, T., and R.C. Jones. 1993. Population dynamics of Bosmina longirostris in a tidal freshwater ecosystem. Verhandlungen Internationale Vereinigung Limnologie 25:984-987.

Jones, R.C., C. Buchanan, and V. Andrle. 1992. Spatial, seasonal, and interannual patterns in the phytoplankton communities of a tidal freshwater ecosystem. Virginia Journal of Science 43:25-40.

Fulton, R., and R.C. Jones. 1991. Growth and reproductive responses of Daphnia to cyanobacterial blooms on the Potomac River. Internationale Review gesamten Hydrobiologie 76:5-19.

Jones, R.C. 1991. Spatial and temporal patterns in a cyanobacterial phytoplankton bloom in the tidal freshwater Potomac River, U.S.A. Verhandlungen Internationale Vereinigung Limnologie 24:1698-1702.

Jones, R.C. 1990. The effect of submersed aquatic vegetation on phytoplankton and water quality in the tidal freshwater Potomac River. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 5:279-288.


Jones, R.C., T.R. Nelson, and A. Fowler. 2024. An Ecological Study of Gunston Cove 2023, Final Report. 189 pp.

Jones, R.C., T.R. Nelson, and A. Fowler. 2023. An Ecological Study of Gunston Cove 2022, Final Report. 185 pp.

Jones, R.C. and K. de Mutsert. 2013. An Ecological Study of Gunston Cove 2012, Final Report. 151 pp.

Jones, R.C. and K. de Mutsert. 2012. An Ecological Study of Gunston Cove 2011, Final Report. 140 pp.

Jones, R.C. and R. Kraus. 2011. An Ecological Study of Gunston Cove 2010, Final Report. 144 pp.

Jones, R.C. and R. Kraus. 2010. An Ecological Study of Gunston Cove 2009, Final Report. 144 pp. [link]

Jones, R.C. and R. Kraus. 2009. An Ecological Study of Gunston Cove 2008, Final Report. 158 pp. [link]

Jones, R.C., D.P. Kelso, and R. Kraus. 2008. An Ecological Study of Gunston Cove 2007, Final Report. 136 pp.

Jones, R.C., D.P. Kelso, and R. Kraus. 2008. An Ecological Study of Gunston Cove 2006, Final Report. 131 pp.

Jones, R.C., and D.P. Kelso. 2007. An Ecological Study of Gunston Cove 2004-2005, Final Report. 219 pp.

Jones, R.C., and D.P. Kelso. 2005. An Ecological Study of Gunston Cove 2003-2004, Final Report. 167 pp.

Jones, R.C., and D.P. Kelso. 2003. An Ecological Study of Gunston Cove 2002-2003, Final Report.

Jones, R.C., and D.P. Kelso. 2003. An Ecological Study of Gunston Cove 2001-2002, Final Report. 181 pp.

Jones, R.C., and D.P. Kelso. 2001. An Ecological Study of Gunston Cove 2000-2001, Final Report. 169 pp.

Jones, R.C., and D.P. Kelso. 2000. An Ecological Study of Gunston Cove 1999-2000, Final Report. 112 pp.

Jones, R.C., and D.P. Kelso. 1999. An Ecological Study of Gunston Cove 1998-99, Final Report. 98 pp.

Jones, R.C., and D.P. Kelso. 1998. An Ecological Study of Gunston Cove 1997-98, Final Report. 98 pp.

Jones, R.C., and D.P. Kelso. 1997. An Ecological Study of Gunston Cove 1996-97, Final Report. 98 pp.

Jones, R.C., and D.P. Kelso. 1996. An Ecological Study of Gunston Cove 1995-96, Final Report. 144 pp.

Jones, R.C., and D.P. Kelso. 1995. An Ecological Study of Gunston Cove 1994-95, Final Report. 136 pp.

Jones, R.C., and D.P. Kelso. 1995. An Ecological Study of Gunston Cove 1993-94, Final Report. 139 pp.

Jones, R.C., and D.P. Kelso. 1993. An Ecological Study of Gunston Cove 1992-93, Final Report. 145 pp.

Jones, R.C., D.P. Kelso, and P. DeFur. 1986. An Ecological Study of Gunston Cove 1985-86, Final Report. 164 pp.

Kelso, D.P., R.C. Jones, and P. DeFur. 1985. An Ecological Study of Gunston Cove 1984, Final Report. 208 pp.

Jones, R.C., and D.P. Kelso. 1992. An Ecological Study of Gunston Cove 1991-92, Final Report. 147 pp.

Jones, R.C., and D.P. Kelso. 1992. An Ecological Study of Gunston Cove 1990-91, Final Report. 159 pp.

Jones, R.C., and D.P. Kelso. 1990. An Ecological Study of Gunston Cove 1989-90, Final Report. 285 pp.

Jones, R.C., and D.P. Kelso. 1989. An Ecological Study of Gunston Cove 1988-89, Final Report. 250 pp.

Jones, R. C., and D.P. Kelso. 1988. An Ecological Study of Gunston Cove 1987-88, Final Report.

Jones, R. C., G. Warner, P. DeFur, and S. Touart. 1987. An Ecological Study of Gunston Cove 1986-87, Final Report. 240 pp.

Kelso, D.P., R.C. Jones, and P. DeFur. 1985. An Ecological Study of Gunston Cove 1984, Final Report. 208 pp. [intro only]

Book Chapters and Symposium Proceedings

Jones, R.C. and Buchanan, C. 2009. Analysis of continuous water quality monitoring data from the tidal freshwater Potomac River. Page 47 in Water Resources in Changing Climates. Proceedings of 2009 Virginia Water Research Conference. P. Fay (ed). Virginia Water Resources Research Center. Richmond, VA. Available on line. [mini-icon icon=”document”]

Kircher, S.R. and R.C. Jones. 1991. The temporal and spatial distribution of sediment phosphorus and iron in Gunston Cove, Virginia. In: New Perspectives in the Chesapeake System: A Research and Management Partnership. Proceedings of a Conference. Chesapeake Research Consortium. Publication No. 137.

Jones, R.C. 1988. Submersed aquatic weedbeds as a habitat in the tidal freshwater Potomac. Pages 15-25 in Submerged Aquatic Vegetation in the Potomac. M.P. Sullivan and J.H. Hannahan (eds.). D.C. Water Resources Research Center Report No. 87.

Jones, R.C. 1988. Use of in situ nutrient addition and dilution bioassays to detect nutrient limitation in the tidal freshwater Potomac. Pages 241-252 in Understanding the Estuary: Advances in Chesapeake Bay Research. Chesapeake Research Consortium Publication 129. CBP/TRS 24/88.